
Dollar a Month Shave Club

I just signed JD up for this...basically you pick a razor ranging from $1-$9 and pay $2 shipping and handling and once a month you receive four blades in the mail once a month. I read over the terms and agreements; they have a simple cancelation policy and will refund if you are not happy with your product. I will let everyone know how long they take to arrive and what he thinks!

Use the link below to begin your savings on shaving...


Your environment... Ultimate Weight Solution

Next Dr. Phil discusses your environment. This is crucial....all individuals need to de-clutter their kitchens and get back to the basics of nutrition. Dr. Phil discusses how to rid your home and other environments of temptations. This next grocery trip try to focus on fresh foods and leave the processed ones behind. It is important to keep your environment free of temptation.

Food/Exercise Log 7.11.2013

Meal 1: Chocolate Berry Protein Shake
Ingredients: 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 cup milk, a few strawberries, and 10 ice cubes blended.

Meal 2: Crispix
Ingredients: 2 cups Crispix

Meal 3: Salad
Ingredients: lettuce, .5 chicken breast, .5 avocado, a few slices of cucumber, and balsamic vinaigrette.

Meal 4: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, one serving size of Doritos, and a Nutter Butter Bar.
Note: This meal was a downfall for me. I need to recognize that when I leave work and get home I always eat badly for this time. I need to find a different activity-I am going to try to take a 30 minute nap to pass this time of boredom and exhaustion.

Meal 5: Salmon, lettuce, .5 avocado, a couple slices of mango, a few slices of apple, a few pieces of watermelon. 

Exercise: 30 minutes of walking and swam 12 laps in my pool. The walk is nice because it gives my husband and I time to decompress from our day and get the dogs out and walking.  


Key 2 Ultimate Weight Solution

Key 2 discusses emotional eating. It begins with a quiz which identifies the different occasions in which an individual may emotionally eat. My score was 15 which indicate I struggle with emotional eating occasionally and there is room for improvement.

The next part provides a stress audit: My number is 110, due to recently being married and changing jobs (to a stay at home mom). Dr. Phil discusses how stressors can affect our eating habits. The right attitude and right behavior can get us the right result.

Individuals must be able to recognize the root of their emotional eating and formulate a plan to address these emotions when they arise. Ugly emotions will begin to take root in all areas of one's life. A plan to address the emotions should include: What action can you take to address the emotion? How will you feel when you have addressed the emotion? Is this how you want to feel?

How to cope without eating? Working out, relaxation exercises, listening to music, deep breathing, yoga, or meditation. Although these may not be your cup of tea; give them a try!

Ultimate Weight Solution - Key 1

I finished listening to key one last night and wanted to give everyone my take away. This key is about internal self talk and how our self talk affects our relationship with food. First you are asked to identify your weight locus of control. Dr. Phil goes through 15 questions to assist you in identifying whether your are internal, external, or chance.
My attribution to weight to internal and external. 

Internal Example: I am not loosing weight because I am not working out hard enough.
External Example: I cannot loose weight because there is always snacks in my house for my kids. 
Chance Example: I cannot loose weight because my parents are fat, so I am just going to be fat. 

In the next section Dr. Phil asks you to write down a statement for each category

Appearance, Body Shape, Exercise Level, Self Control, and Health.

This are my statements:
Appearance: I am disgusting
Body Shape: My shape has changed because of giving birth.
Exercise Level: It does not matter how much I exercise I am not loosing weight.
Self Control: I loose it once a day.
Health: I want to be healthy.

Dr. Phil then asks you to look at the most negative statement and ask yourself is this statement true. I chose my appearance statement...When logically thinking about this statement I know it is false. Dr. Phil then asks you to rethink the statement and replace it with a positive statement...I am unique. If the statement you choose is true, he asks you to think of ways to make a change in you life to then make the statement false eventually.

Take Away: This key is very powerful since the majority of us have negative thinking about our appearance, weight and food.

Resources: McGraw, Phil. The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom. 

Detox Water-Day 3

The headaches have become to much for me to handle, so I will cease the cucumber-lemon water. I did find a recipe for a watermelon-mint flavored water, which I made last night.


The Ultimate Weight Solution-Day 1

After giving birth and prior to pregnancy I have struggled with my weight. I have tried many diets and exercise plans-with no long term success. After giving birth, I have been researching a way to change my life and my habits for good-no more yoyo dieting. I found the Ultimate Weight Solution by Dr. Phil. I know not everyone is fond of Dr Phil, but I am going to try it because it offers techniques to change your relationship with food, weight, exercise and emotions. I will be blogging my experience and tracking my progress.

Today, I went to the Peoria Library and checked out the book on CD. I have made it through Part 1. The important features of Part 1 include guidance on goal setting. I have set a goal by following his distinct guideline of goal setting.

My goal is: I want to weigh 135lbs. I will do this by walking for 30 minutes daily after dinner, use the keys in this book, drink eight glasses of water daily, not binge eat to deal with my emotions or boredom. I will lose 76.5lbs in 40 weeks, by loosing approxiamately 2lbs weekly in 10 months. When I reach this goal I want to feel energetic, attractive, healthy and no desire to binge eat.

* Another important part of this chapter is the waist to hip ratio. First you measure your waist(at belly button)-then hips(at largest part). Next divide waist by hip at healthy ratio for women should be .8 and smaller and for men .9 and lower.

I would like to set up a system of support for anyone doing this life change or thinking about doing this change. I will weigh-in on Wednesdays and document any downfalls or successes.

7.10.2013- 211.5lbs: waist to hip ratio .83

Resources: http://www.drphil.com/shows/show/1136 this website offers materials and shows.

Later tonight I will post a beginning picture and body measurements.