
Food/Exercise Log 7.11.2013

Meal 1: Chocolate Berry Protein Shake
Ingredients: 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 cup milk, a few strawberries, and 10 ice cubes blended.

Meal 2: Crispix
Ingredients: 2 cups Crispix

Meal 3: Salad
Ingredients: lettuce, .5 chicken breast, .5 avocado, a few slices of cucumber, and balsamic vinaigrette.

Meal 4: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, one serving size of Doritos, and a Nutter Butter Bar.
Note: This meal was a downfall for me. I need to recognize that when I leave work and get home I always eat badly for this time. I need to find a different activity-I am going to try to take a 30 minute nap to pass this time of boredom and exhaustion.

Meal 5: Salmon, lettuce, .5 avocado, a couple slices of mango, a few slices of apple, a few pieces of watermelon. 

Exercise: 30 minutes of walking and swam 12 laps in my pool. The walk is nice because it gives my husband and I time to decompress from our day and get the dogs out and walking.  

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